At last!
Not before time the Care Quality Commission has been given new powers to inspect Local Authority Adult Social Services.
Because they are a law unto themselves and accountable to no one other than the vulnerable elderly and disabled people that need help.
At directorate level they earn eyewatering three figure salaries - for what?
Perched in ivory towers making up cost cutting policies to suit themselves - no one else just them - to increase that obscene annual bonus, bump up the pension benefits for cosy early retirement and of course fund the ubiquitous annual holiday - or more accurately series of holidays annually.
This, below, is a link to what is going to be inspected in Solihull and the sooner the better.
The New CQC Inspection System - Get Ready to HAVE YOUR SAY
Not before time the Care Quality Commission has been given new powers to inspect Local Authority Adult Social Services.
Because they are a law unto themselves and accountable to no one other than the vulnerable elderly and disabled people that need help.
At directorate level they earn eyewatering three figure salaries - for what?
Perched in ivory towers making up cost cutting policies to suit themselves - no one else just them - to increase that obscene annual bonus, bump up the pension benefits for cosy early retirement and of course fund the ubiquitous annual holiday - or more accurately series of holidays annually.
This, below, is a link to what is going to be inspected in Solihull and the sooner the better.
The New CQC Inspection System - Get Ready to HAVE YOUR SAY